
Deadlines and Events

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The calendar below lists important undergraduate deadlines and university events for fall 2012 and spring 2013.  Deadlines that may be most relevant to instructors are shown in bold. University academic and events calendars can also be found here http://www.utexas.edu/calendars/. Instructors are not responsible for knowing the academic calendar, but having some familiarity with it may be helpful when interacting with students.



Fall 2012

Aug. 24-26 Registration for fall for new/readmitted students not yet registered; tuition due by 5 p.m. on Aug. 28.
Aug. 24 University residence halls open at 9 a.m.
Aug. 27 Add/drop for fall for students who registered and paid tuition by Aug. 15.
Aug. 27

Registration for fall for continuing students not yet registered; tuition due by 5 p.m. on Aug. 28.

University Health Services becomes available.

Aug. 28

5 p.m.: Fall tuition payment due for students who registered after July 15.

Add/drop for fall for all students.
Gone to Texas: A welcome party for new students.

Aug. 29 Classes begin
Aug. 29–Sept.4

Official add/drop period; after this period, changes require approvals.

Last period students may register for fall and pay tuition without approval of the Office of the Registrar.

Sept. 3
Labor Day holiday
Sept. 14

Twelfth class day

Official enrollment is taken for the university.

Last day to add a class; payment for added classes (add bill) due by 5 p.m.

Last day to drop a class for possible refund and without it being reflected on a student’s record as a Q.

Sept. 28 5 p.m.: Second fall tuition payment due for students who selected the three-payment plan.
Oct. 1 Application deadline for study abroad programs for spring.
Oct. 26-28
Family Weekend
Oct. 25-26, Oct. 29-Nov.2 Academic advising for spring.
Oct. 26 5 p.m.: Final fall tuition payment due for students who selected the three-payment plan.
Oct. 29–Nov. 9 Registration for spring for continuing/readmitted students.
Nov. 6

Deadline Day.

Last day for undergraduates to withdraw, Q-drop a class, apply to graduate, or change a class to or from pass/fail.

Nov. 7 Undergraduates who have not already done so can invoke the One-Time Exception to drop a class or withdraw.
Nov. 13
Tuition bills for spring distributed to students electronically.
Nov. 22–24 Thanksgiving holidays.
Dec. 7

Last class day.

Last day to initiate a drop or withdrawal using the One-Time Exception.

Dec. 8-9 Fall graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.
Dec. 10-11, 16

No-class days.

Dec. 12-15, 17–18 Fall final exams.
Dec. 19 University residence halls close at 9 a.m.


Spring 2013

Jan. 3

5 p.m.: Spring tuition payment due for students who registered by Nov. 9.

Jan. 7

Orientation and testing begins for new undergraduate students.

Add/drop for spring for students who have registered and paid their tuition.

Jan. 8

Registration for spring for new/readmitted students not yet registered; tuition due by 5 p.m. on Jan. 11.

Jan. 9 Registration for spring for continuing students who have not yet registered; tuition due by 5 p.m. on Jan 11.
Jan. 110 University Health Services becomes available. 
Jan. 10-11 

Add/drop for spring for students who registered and paid their tuition by Jan. 3.

Registration for spring for students who have not yet registered.

5 p.m. Jan. 11: Spring tuition due.

Jan. 11 University residence halls open at 9 a.m.

Jan. 14

Classes Begin

Jan. 17

Last day of the official add/drop period; after this period, changes require approvals. 

Last period students may register for spring and pay tuition without approval of the registrar. 

Jan. 21

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Jan. 30

Twelfth class day.

Official enrollment is taken for the university.

Last day to add a class; payment for added classes (add bill) due by 5 p.m.

Last day to drop a class for a possible refund and without it being reflected on a student’s record as a Q.

Feb. 15

5 p.m.: Second spring tuition payment due for students who selected the three-payment plan. 

March 1 Study abroad applications due for summer and fall programs. 
March 2

Explore UT: UT Austin’s annual open house.

March 11–16 Spring break.
March 22
5 p.m.: Final spring tuition payment due for students who selected the three-payment plan.
April 1

Deadline Day.

Last day for undergraduates to withdraw, Q-drop a class, apply to graduate, or change a class to or from pass/fail.

April 2 Undergraduates who have not already done so can invoke the One-Time Exception to drop a class or withdraw.
Undergraduate Research Week.
April 10–12, 15-19

Academic advising for summer and fall.

April 15–26 Registration for summer and fall for continuing students.
May 3

Last class day.

Last day to initiate a drop or withdrawal using the One-Time Exception.

May 6–7, 12 No-class days.
May 8–11, 13–14 Spring final exams.
May 15 University residence halls close at 9 a.m.
May 17–18

Spring graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.


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