If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
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Many scholarship and fellowship opportunities are available to students in the College of Liberal Arts. General information about these scholarships can be obtained in the Liberal Arts Scholarships and International Programs Office in GEB 2.200, 475-7586. In addition, scholarships are available through external sources (local and national organizations, foundations, etc.). Information about these resources can be found in the UT library.
For deserving Hispanic or African-American students who are enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and who have a minimum GPA of 3.0, and who have been recommended to the Texas Exes Scholarship Committee by the Dean of Liberal Arts.
The University of Texas Swedish Studies Excellence Endowment provides aid for students who plan to study in Sweden, either at a summer language institute (such as those organized by the Swedish Institute) or at an institution that has an exchange agreement with UT.
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