
University Publications

Page history last edited by MC 11 years, 7 months ago

The Office of the Registrar issues the university's main student-related publications.




Undergraduate Catalogs are issued every even-numbered year and remain active for eight years. Students are eligible for any catalog in effect during their enrollment as long as the catalog is active. Each catalog contains degree requirements for all undergraduate majors, rules that affect undergraduates, descriptions of undergraduate courses, and a list of the faculty of each college. 


The Registrar's Office issues the General Information Catalog annually. It contains general information about the university and rules that affect undergraduate and graduate students. General Information should be used along with one of the other catalogs, since each student must know the rules given there and those in the catalog for his or her degree program. 


Printed catalogs are no longer available for purchase, but each online catalog includes a downloadable version and a print option.


Course Schedule


The Course Schedule is published before advising and registration begin for each semester and the summer session. It lists the courses being offered (including time, location, and instructor if such information has been submitted to our office), provides the unique number for each class (which students must know in order to register) as well as other essential registration information and instructions. The online course schedule is updated immediately as changes are made and it indicates whether seats are available in each class.


Printed course schedules are no longer available for purchase, but each online schedule includes a printable version.

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