
Grade Changes

Page history last edited by elizabeth labate 7 years, 5 months ago


The Office of the Registrar has transitioned from the yellow paper grade change forms to an online system. This system was piloted in fall 2011 with the option to use the paper form. As of spring 2012, paper grade change forms will no longer be accepted for routine grade changes. For general information on the new system, click on this link http://registrar.utexas.edu/staff/grades/changes. To view a how-to video on using the grade change system, click here https://utexas.app.box.com/s/4gewzmmrxfof73cw6hv9pzawta1pyirf


For university and college policy on grade-to-grade changes (e.g., calculation error, missing paper discovered, etc.), see Grades. For policy on X-to-grade or X-X, see Incompletes.

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